I never really understood what the big deal was with cherry wood. I knew it was expensive; perhaps the most expensive domestic hardwood along with walnut. I also knew it had plenty of snob appeal both with "cabinetmakers" and their "clients". I never really got it. Until now that is. This is my first cherry wood experience and it won't be my last. What a wonderful wood to work and look at and touch. A couple of coats of tung oil and it shimmers. I managed to purchase 300 ft. through Uncle Henry's. A local gentleman was cleaning out his barn and figured he was never going to get around to build anything with it after all. He'd purchased the wood at auction some 15 years prior. A cabinet shop going out of business. 300 board feet should yield 20 or so chairs. Can't wait to get back in the shop and see what magic these boards will yield. This is ADK #16 in my Journey of 100 Adirondack Chairs. Sweet Sixteen. Indeed she is.