We started a new project last weekend. Two custom chairs for Kay and Jim. I've had many folks ask me about the whole process, so I thought it would be fun to blog as I build. You can come along if you'd like. Kay and Jim wanted me to replicate a set of their favorite Adirondacks. The originals, built by a local carpenter had provided years of service but had started to breakdown.
Inevitably water finds it's way into screw holes and the wood starts to rot. I hope to rectify the problem with improved joinery techniques and by using a fine water-tight hardwood: white oak. The process begins with a plan. I took measurements of all the chair components and recorded the back angle and seat slope. Then it was off to my wood pile to select and mill our boards.
For this project I will be using 5/4 stock, rough sawn and will mill it to a thickness of 1" for the frame components. I have also have 4/4 stock to be milled to 3/4" for the seat and back slats.