Friday, March 27, 2009

Signs Of Spring

Spring has finally come to Maine. This means the snow is only up to my knees in places and the mud is up to my hips in others. The big difference is in the temperature. We're actually seeing temps in the 40s. We call that a heat wave. So we're shaking off the winter blues and cranking up the power tools. I'd like to introduce you to "Grace". She's number 18 in my Journey of 100 Chairs. There's solid Maine hardwood beneath that lovely pistachio dress; what I like to call "orphan cherry"- not pretty enough for "cabinetmakers" but structurally strong and rot resistant. I like the design enough to build a couple more.
"Grace" takes me a little longer to build which will need to be reflected in the price. I'm thinking $450-ish retail.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I remember March 2009, up here in Manchester (west of Augusta). It was a long, torturous winter, ...cold.

I was walking down a snowmobile trail, and the temperature finally cracked. I mean, in the middle of my walk, winter broke, gave up, and spring got a toe-hold onto it.

I remember another soul on my path, coming the other way. We stopped, agreed that spring was (over)due and might have made it's way in.

It had to be within a day or two of this post.

Thanks for the memories in Maine.