I can blog but I can't twit. Used to be we picked up the phone. Now you have your email and your voicemail, your
im and your twitter, your
facebook and your
youtube. I am sounding like an old fart, I know. I prefer we get back to more subtle and indirect forms of c
communication. A wink, a nod, a finger to the side of the nose. Now you're talking. Pull up a chair and we'll go wireless.
Seeing your chairs took me down memory lane, visiting "Granny's" in the country down here in Florida. She had them out under the big old Oak trees and on her wooden front porch. I didn't know they had a name but they apparently have been around a long time because they were really old when I was going up there 45 yrs ago! Thanks for the memory
Nudge-nudge; wink-wink. Say no more!
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