Monday, June 15, 2009


I've been on this journey of 100 chairs for just over a year now. It's time to take a look back before we plot our course for the future. It all began with the prototype of what would become my "Weekender Chair" back in May of 2008 (see photo). I'd planned to build 2 chairs per week so I should be over 100 by now. I'm at 36. Oh well. Guess I just stayed in that town too long. I have picked up a ton of technical knowledge and received some very useful suggestions from customers along the way. I have found some dead ends.
Like my talking adirondack. Pull a string and it tells you your fortune. I just made that up. Sorry. It has been a great trip so far and I look forward to the road ahead. My biggest challenge is to find a way to cut production costs. And no, that doesn't mean moving my operation to China. It takes 15 hours of labor plus materials (around $100) to built a Weekender chair, which yields a $375 retail price. I am working to get that down to where even I can afford one of my chairs.

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